
Project Euler: Problem 19

I recently solved Problem 19 from Project Euler. Since I don't really enjoy date math, I decided to brute force it and use the datetime module from the standard library.

from datetime import date

def next_first_of_month_in_20th():
    """Generator to list every first of the month during the 20th century."""
    first = date(1901, 1, 1)
    yield first
    while first.year < 2001:
        if first.month == 12:
            first = first.replace(year=first.year + 1)
            first = first.replace(month=1)
            first = first.replace(month=first.month + 1)
        yield first

def main():
    Solve `Problem 19`_ from Project Euler.
    .. _`Problem 19`: http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=problems&id=19
    return len([first for first in next_first_of_month_in_20th() if first.weekday() == 6])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print main()

Back to flipping out...

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